When Tata, one of the largest company based on India, announced their bid to both world wide otomotive brand, Jaguar and Land Rover from Ford, i believed that the world are marching to the new age. But this is not a single story, China remarkable improvement on economic bring them to be an outstanding industrial countries in the world, Robotic technology possed by Japan and also their step ahead technology, and many other potential possess by other Asian include; fuel, forest, mines seems firming my believe.
Living under tyran colonialism for centuries really affect most of the Asian country background. After being abandon by their master, these country must estalished a brand new indigene civilization although they have to bear inadequate social institute, potential chaos, poverty and much more other social polictical challenge. No wonder that half of Asian are still in the developing stage, and they are ultimately far behind the european and western country.
Japan is a role model of succes which is very unique as an example how a country come back from a nearly total destruction, after losing World War 2, into second largest economy in the world. This succeed can’t be seen as easy and simple achievement but it’s a combination of multiple factors. Those factor is skillfull policies management, free acces to market, highly motivated business leader and workers. Japan rapid development somehow envigorates the spirit other Asian to follow it. Noticed that after Japan recent wake, Hongkong, Korea, Singapore and Taiwan are joining the forerunner. Having solid and stable government support with high-quality labor force make everything seems possible. The Asian wave are set to spread their virus to influenced everyother Asian to follow their remarkable economic development.
But the story just begun, Asian faced a real test, during the 1997-1998 Asian financial fall to a collapsed. The massive and volatile money flow deemed to be the main cause, followed by weak banking system with inadequate supervising brought all the blooming economy growth in halt. Economic expert comment that Asian government have miscalculated the enormous effect of the globalization. Triggered by U.S that forced Asian government to open their market despite the Asian economy, honestly, not strong enough. Asian goverment neglect the sequence process that must be followed before joining the global market.
Asian learn a lot from every tragedy, every up and down, and know had shown maturity and passion to get along with europe and western. Their massive infrastructure development, good corporate goverment, though corruption still plaguing, are pretty evidence of the evolving Asian. The major question is where is Asia heading know?
Many believed that this is the Asia decade, we are about witnessing the most developing region in the world. Having about half of total human population, which is absolutely a huge market opportunity, adequate energy, high-quality bussiness leader and worker, it seems nothing can stop them. But without any strong leadership, Asia would forever be the world second best player.
Asia is the region with a huge diversity. But as a matter of fact, there is a phenomenon that the regional dynamism common in economy. This region shared same aspiration to development. They are trying to following forerunner path of success build by the Asian four tigers. A regional cooperative is seen as a possible solution to directing Asia.
The regional cooperative among Asian nations is not a brand new solution, but yet still relevant with current condition. This regional meeting purpose is for the member of the meeting to prepared before joining the globalizing world. Would this meeting significant to the future of Asia ? in my opinion, yes it is! The word economic today put so much dependancy to the U.S economy, which is today’s U.S economy facing a serious problems. The mortgage scandal and improporsional iraqi war budget put U. S into a worst economic crisis. In 2005, the U.S current deficit reached US$ 800 billion! But before taking the new world order, Asia should focus themself in environmental protection, human security, cultural exchanges, energy conservation, research and education. No matter how long it will takes to accomplish those substantive issues, but its a mandatory assignment that would never neglect or the Asian dream would never come true.
I’m canvassing the Japan role is really esssential for most of this region member. As matter of fact, many of the Asian still struggle to face the world globalization era. Some are still poor, with income less than $1/ day, some still underdevelop and their education are left behind. As a relatively wealthy country, Japan should step up and take a responsibility to help them. Today there is enormous Japan scholarship program, Japan soft loan program, and Japan investment to help other underdevelop country. Japan should also grant a technology transfer to help other nation, such as: Indonesia, Bangladesh, Philipines, etc, to quickly adopted and applying for the country development. China, Taiwan, Hongkong should join this regional development program. They should aid and guiding other Asia country. Because the future of Asia lies in their hand.
At the end, the main task and it is pretty urgent is a total reform in institutional building before entering the globalizing world. A proper economic structure must be build upon a stable political condition. And for the regional, urgent task is sustaining regional meeting to aid underdevelop country and strengthen regional cooperation. Because when globalizing world reveal, the trade barriers are nothing.
*) thx for the pic =1.photo.net 2.Guebukanmonyet.wordpress.com